Thursday, April 26, 2012

Graduation clothes, revisited

Welp I bought a dress. Or rather, I bought three dresses but one is going back.

I bought this pretty pink dress from shopbop, but it's not as pretty in real life. Sad face. Returned. 

Leah voted for this dress in a different color at some point in this embarrassingly long process. Then a few days ago I was poking around reserve refinery29, which has some pretty amazing deals and I saw one for Kenny and a formerly silly expensive dress fell right in my budget. Bought, arrived, loved.

Today I found the (2nd) perfect dress. It is bright and fun, and I like the grosgrain ribbon belt because I am preppy at heart. I do not like how straight the model's hair is. It's giving me flashbacks to bat/bar mitzvah's. But I do like neon, yay neon! Also, what color shoes do you wear with a neon dress? A post for another day!

Since my father is probably reading this, I feel I need to justify my purchase of two dresses. Yale drags our graduation festivities out for one very long weekend. We have Commencement, college graduation, Senior dinners, parties, etc. all of which is fun and I'm excited for, but hence the need for multiple dresses.

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